dissabte, 26 de novembre del 2011

Quan les coses van malament aquí, van bé en un altre lloc

Interessant anàlisi de José Luis Nueno,  Doctor en Business Administration per la Harvard University i professor de Direcció Comercial de l'IESE i, sobre la internacionalització de la distribució en temps de crisi.

Partint de la base que la qüestió de la internacionalització de la distribució pren relleu en moments com l’actual, caracteritzats per una profunda contracció del consum domèstic acompanyada d’una competència intensa,  segons el professor Nueno, mai com ara sembla més cert allò que  «quan les coses van malament aquí, van bé en un altre lloc». Fa uns quants anys, n’hi havia prou de tenir presència testimonial en mitja dotzena de països propers i culturalment afins per a demostrar que un concepte detallista era internacionalitzable. Avui, la sobredependència del mercat d’origen es considera un estigma, que si es combina amb condicions localment adverses, com un menor nivell de vendes, compromet la credibilitat.

El professor Nueno desenvolupa l'estudi a partir de l'estudi d'empreses com: Tous, Wal-Mart, Target, Kroger, H&M, DIA, Inditex, Amazon, IKEA, Mango, Sand, Intimissimi, Next, Uniqlo, Pronovias, GAES, Punt Roma, Castañer, Sita Murt, Carrefour, Massimo Dutti, Zara, Nespresso, Sephora, Macy's, Amazon.com, Privalia, o Starbucks i analitza l'Àmbit i les institucions, les oportunitats, les competències directives i  les modalitats d'entrada.

Fruit d'aquest anàlisi el professor Nueno arriba a unes interessants conclusions:

I. Retard de les empreses en la seva expansió internacional.

II. Fabricants i distribuïdors dels països industrialitzats han obtingut més èxit exportant a través de la internacionalització de botigues que a través dels productes que venen.

III. Les oportunitats que tenen avui són complexes: mercats polaritzats i compromisos que superen els retorns a curt termini.

Local Comercial Mallorca

Una tienda recurre la prohibición de vender ensaimadas en Son Sant Joan

Un concesionario alega en su favor que un informe jurídico de AENA les permite comerciar con ese dulce

FELIPE ARMENDÁRIZ. PALMA Una de las dos tiendas de la terminal de salidas de Son Sant Joanenfrentadas por la venta de ensaimadas a los viajeros ha recurrido, ante la Audiencia Provincial, la prohibición de una juez de lo mercantil de comercializar ese producto. El establecimiento, entre otros argumentos, alega que un informe jurídico de Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea (AENA) les permite comerciar con ese dulce.

La llamada “guerra de las ensaimadas” empezó el pasado abril cuando la tienda explotada por la UTE Merea-Safe Bag empezó a vender ensaimadas. El comercio de al lado, Promociones Nuevo Mundo Balear, dedicado a productos mallorquines presentó una demanda por supuesta competencia desleal, de la que se derivaron dos medidas cautelares contra Safe-Bag vetándoles la venta de ensaimadas.

La empresa demandada argumenta que Mundo Balear “tiene expresamente prohibido cualquier derecho en exclusiva sobre las ensaimadas en el Aeropuerto de Palma”. La UTE, por el contrario, reivindica su derecho a comerciar ese alimento porque su concesión se extiende a todo tipo de dulces: “los demandantes no pueden negar que entre los ingredientes de las ensaimadas está el azúcar, que, según la regulación de denominación de origen es entre un 25% y un 20% m/m”.


Local Comercial Mallorca

dijous, 24 de novembre del 2011

Son Gotleu se suma a la campaña comercial de animación navideña

Unos 700 negocios del centro repartirán 150.000 vales para participar en actividades gratuitamente

S.VELERT. PALMA La campaña de dinamización comercial navideña “Palma, tot un centre de diversió” se amplía este año por primera vez a Son Gotleu y a otras zonas del Eixample como Blanquerna, 31 de Diciembre y Pere Garau así como los mercados de Santa Catalina y el Olivar.

De los 700 comercios que participan en esta iniciativa, un 60 por ciento están ubicados en el centro de la ciudad y el 40 por ciento restante en la periferia. En la edición del año pasado se sumaron a la campaña 500 establecimientos y los organizadores esperan que aumenten en 200 más para promover las ventas durante las fiestas navideñas, tal como explicó ayer el presidente de Ibi Comerç, Josep Capó, durante la presentación de esta campaña, organizada por esta fundación, las patronales comerciales Afedeco y Pimeco con el patrocinio de la Cámara de Comercio de Mallorca, el ayuntamiento de Palma y Sa Nostra.

Como novedad este año se instalarán atracciones infantiles en Son Gotleu, en las calles Tomás Rullan y la plaza Fra Joan Alcina, que se sumarán a las de las plazas París y Madrid. El objetivo es colocarlas también en la plaza Miquel Dolç (antigua Teniente Coronel Franco). La concejala de Comercio, Esperanza Crespí, afirmó ayer que Son Gotleu es un barrio prioritario para el equipo de gobierno al igual que los otros de la periferia.

Los establecimientos adheridos a esta iniciativa, que cumple este año su décimo aniversario, repartirán unos 150.000 vales entre sus clientes para que puedan participar de manera gratuita en las más de cuarenta actividades que tendrán lugar por las principales calles comerciales del centro de la ciudad durante once días, comprendidos entre el 2 de diciembre y el 4 de enero, con una media de cuatro actividades por día a lo largo de seis semanas. Está previsto que se lleven a cabo principalmente las tardes de los viernes, sábados y domingos de apertura comercial.

Tipos de actividades

Las actividades de esta campaña para dinamizar el centro de la ciudad son el trenet de Nadal, atracciones, conciertos infantiles y de jazz, itinerarios guiados y los talleres y espectáculos como las marionetas, cuenta cuentos y pasacalles. Destaca la pista de hielo, ubicada en el Parc de ses Estacions.
Los niños podrán depositar las cartas a los Reyes Magos en siete buzones gigantes instalados en las calles Argenteria, Jaume II, Jaume III, Sant Miquel, Sindicat, plaza Madrid y el mercado de Pere Garau. Los pequeños tendrán la posibilidad de participar en el sorteo de cinco premios de 100 euros en tarjetas de compra y otros premios. Las actividades fijas y las itinerantes se desarrollarán en las principales calles comerciales de Ciutat como la avenida Jaume III, Jaume II, passeig des Born, plaza Capellers, Alexandre Jaume, Cort, Mare de Déu de la Salut, Marquès del Palmer, plaza del Mercat, Rosari y Frederic Chopin.
El presidente de Afedeco, Bartolomé Servera, aseguró ayer que en una situación de crisis económica con menos recursos se ha hecho un esfuerzo para mantener la actividad comercial y poder sobrevivir. El presidente de Pimeco, Bernat Coll, señaló que los comercios esperan poder tener más beneficios con esta iniciativa.

Cort invierte 25.000 euros menos y los vendedores asumen un tercio del coste

S.VELERT PALMA El ayuntamiento de Palma reduce este año un 50 por ciento la inversión destinada a esta campaña de promoción comercial. Así, de los 50.000 euros que se invirtieron el año pasado se han pasado a 25.000 euros para esta edición aunque el presupuesto total se mantiene al mismo nivel que en 2010 con 75.000 euros. La aportación de las administraciones públicas (Cort y Govern) ha disminuido por lo que un 30 por ciento del coste ha recaído en los comercios participantes, es decir, asumen un tercio de la inversión. Cada establecimiento paga 50 euros y accede a 150 vales, que podrá repartir entre sus clientes, según su criterio, para que tengan acceso a todas las actividades organizadas de manera gratuita. El año pasado los comercios pagaron 30 euros por lo que su aportación ha aumentado en 20 euros durante estas navidades. "Hemos tenido que hacer un mayor esfuerzo económico para mantener las mismas actividades que el año pasado", explicó ayer el presidente de la Fundación Ibi Comerç, Josep Capó. En 2010 se depositaron cerca de 40.000 cartas en los buzones reales para optar a vales de compra y esta navidad prevén superar esta cifra.


Local Comercial Mallorca

dilluns, 21 de novembre del 2011

El Shopping Night Barcelona 2011 del Passeig de Gràcia se celebrará el 30 de noviembre

Este año se amplia a las calles colindantes, desde Casp a Rosselló, y La Pedrera abrirá hasta la madrugada

Barcelona. (EFE).- Las tiendas del Passeig de Gràcia volverán a abrir sus puertas fuera de horario comercial, de 20:00 a 24:00 horas, el próximo día 30 de noviembre para celebrar elThe Shopping Night Barcelona 2011, en el que participarán casi el doble de establecimientos que el año pasado.
La iniciativa, que este año se amplia a las calles colindantes de Paseo de Gracia, desde Caspe a Roselló, está organizada por Amperson Consulting y por la Asociación Amigos del Paseo de Gracia con el apoyo del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona y tiene como objetivo posicionar a Barcelona y a su principal eje comercial como destino de compras, ocio y estilo de vida.
El presidente de la Asociación de Amigos del Paseo de Gracia, Lluís Sans, ha señalado que Barcelona recibe al 40 % de los turistas extracomunitarios que llegan a España y que en este eje comercial se gastan el 24 % del dinero que se gastan en España.
También ha mencionado que Barcelona comparte con Madrid el segundo lugar entre los destinos europeos preferidos para ir de compras, por detrás de Londres y por delante de ciudades como París, según un índice realizado por Global Blue. Sans considera que el Paseo de Gracia es un eje muy potente que hay que impulsar para posicionarlo como el "mejor sitio para comprar en Barcelona" y ha rechazado la idea de que sólo haya comercio exclusivo, ya que ha dicho que únicamente un tercio del comercio es de lujo.
El director de The Shopping Night Barcelona, Albert Garriga, ha dicho que esta iniciativa también pretende mostrar otros valores de la ciudad como la gastronomía, el ocio, el arte o la cultura, ya que, además de comprar, habrá fiestas en hoteles, restaurantes y equipamientos culturales. Equipamientos como La Pedrera estarán abiertos al público hasta la madrugada y la gastronomía tendrá especial protagonismo, ya que Carme Ruscalleda, Raül Balám y Carlos Abellán participarán ofreciendo una degustación de sus platos.
El año pasado, las tiendas que participaron en The Shopping Night facturaron 400.000 euros, una suma que este año se espera superar, ya que son 90 los establecimientos que participan. Sans ha señalado que el próximo año los organizadores quieren buscar patrocinadores para financiar esta iniciativa, aunque la coyuntura económica no lo facilita, y ha explicado que a veces tienen dificultades para que las tiendas internacionales se sumen a las iniciativas que organizan.
La organización quiere darle a este evento un carácter internacional y potenciar la marca Barcelona para lo que han invitado a periodistas de Inglaterra, Italia y Alemania y a alguna "celebrity" internacional. Los comercios que quieran participar en la iniciativa tienen que aportar entre 2.700 y 2.750 euros si están en Paseo de Gracia y para los establecimientos adyacentes la tarifa oscila entre 1.800 y 1.600 euros.
El regidor de consumo, comercio y mercados del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, Raimond Blasi Navarro, ha recordado que la fiesta coincidirá con el inicio del alumbrado de Navidad y ha destacado el papel del comercio como elemento clave y estratégico de la ciudad.
Más días y horario de iluminación navideña

El presidente de la Asociación Amigos del Paseo de Gracia, Lluís Sans, ha aprovechado el acto para pedir al Ayuntamiento de Barcelona que se amplíen los días y los horarios de la iluminación navideña. Concretamente, ha solicitado que se acabe la limitación de las luces navideñas a 168 horas, ya que antes podía tener sentido por el alto consumo que suponía, pero ahora las cosas han cambiado con las luces de bajo consumo. Sans cree que todos los grupos políticos están de acuerdo en esta ampliación del horario de la iluminación navideña y de inaugurarlas unos días antes.

Algunas de las tiendas recibirán 400 euros de la Generalitat

Las tiendas que participan en The Shopping Night Barcelona y lo han solicitado recibirán 400 euros que la Generalitat ofrece a los comercios que hacen alguna iniciativa comercia especial. Según ha explicado Lluís Sans esta subvención está abierta a todos los comercios que realizan alguna iniciativa como la del día 30. Algunos comercios que participan a The Shopping Night han visto que podían acogerse a estas ayudas y las han pedido, aunque no todos.

It’s Still a Renter’s Market, Office Landlords Learn


Last February, Bloomberg L.P. signed a 400,000-square-foot lease at 120 Park Avenue. Wells Fargo had originally scouted the space, but Bloomberg offered a higher rent, making one of this year’s biggest office deals. It was a sign, commercial real estate brokers said, that the Manhattan office market was tilting in landlords’ favor again.

With tenants competing for space, it would not be too long before rents, tempered by the recession, would rise and incentives for tenants, a staple of the office market since the credit crisis of 2007, would recede significantly.
But that conventional wisdom has largely proved wrong. While Manhattan office rents have indeed risen since the recession and leasing activity has picked up, tenants can still command several months of free rent and allowances of many dollars a square foot in improvements to their space.
That is because, given the economic uncertainty at home and abroad, brokers say more tenants are deciding to sit tight rather than expand or move their offices.
Where tenants might have gotten perhaps 10 to 12 months of free rent upfront in 2009, they are now getting six to eight, commercial brokers said. Where landlords might have put up $65 to $70 a square foot in allowances for tenants to improve their spaces, they are now offering $55 to $60.
“It started to look like the tables were going to turn,” said Michael Cohen, the president for the tristate region for the real estate broker Colliers International and an owner of Class A and B office space in Manhattan. “What actually happened was we hit this newfound financial crisis. Instead of the tables turning, they hovered.”
For much of the last decade, Manhattan office rents seemed to only ascend, reaching well over $100 a square foot in some trophy properties, like the Bank of America Tower at 1 Bryant Park and the Seagram Building at 375 Park Avenue. Hefty incentives were largely unheard-of, as companies buoyed by the growing economy were expanding their offices or upgrading, and willing to pay top dollar to do so.
The average net effective rent — taking into consideration the tenant incentives that in varying degrees have long been part of the office market — was $69.48 a square foot in the first few months of 2008, according to research from the brokerage firm Cushman & Wakefield. By the end of that year, after the collapse of Lehman Brothers, it was $58.97. At the start of 2010, the net effective rent for Manhattan office space was $40.54, a drop of more than 42 percent from two years before. By the middle of 2011, it had edged up only about $7 a square foot.
And some tenants, suffering financially but still bound to a lease, put up space for sublease, further depressing rents. By early 2009, sublease space accounted for more than 27 percent of available office space in Manhattan.
“At the same time, we also had very large blocks of space, 100,000 square feet or greater,” said Mitchell Konsker, a vice chairman of the broker Jones Lang LaSalle. “Between both the softness in the sublease market during the recession and the large blocks of space, that put a lot of pressure on landlords to lower rents to be competitive.”
The economic tumult also meant more renewals and fewer new leases. Cushman & Wakefield’s research shows that 8.6 million of the 34.9 million square feet leased in 2010 came from renewals, the highest amount since at least 2004 (in 2005, for instance, renewals accounted for barely three million square feet of office leases).
“In the depths of the recession, what most tenants did was hide,” said Howard Fiddle, a vice chairman at CBRE Group Inc., “and there were very few relocations because tenants didn’t want to spend any capital at all and they didn’t want to make any long-term commitments.”
When leasing activity did pick up this year, it smacked into a fresh crop of bad economic news, including financial services layoffs in Manhattan and the debt crisis in Europe, not to mention ongoing high-stakes budget talks in Washington.
Landlords, according to brokers, will have to keep offering incentives to skittish tenants, however incrementally less generous than before. (Several prominent Manhattan office landlords declined to comment for this article, though they did not dispute that they were offering incentives greater than those offered before the recession.)
Brokers said recent deals with substantial incentives included the following:
¶ The Man Group, an investment management house, is taking a lease for 48,709 square feet for 10 years at 452 Fifth Avenue, set to close in the fourth quarter of 2011, at rents of $82 to $88 a square foot. But with at least 10 months of free rent and $75 a square foot for work on the space, the effective rent drops to $64.52.
¶ The banking giant UBS Financial Services leased 44,612 square feet for 10 years and eight months in 200 Park Avenue, in a deal that will also close in the fourth quarter. The rents there ranged from $70 to $75 a square foot. UBS received nine months of free rent and $60 a square foot for work on the space, clipping its effective rent to $56.99.
¶ The financial holding company Nomura Securities received $70 a square foot for work and 18 months’ free rent for its 897,000-square-foot, 20-year lease at Worldwide Plaza at 825 Eighth Avenue. Nomura’s rent effectively dropped to $38.42 to $42.69, from $46 to $63 a square foot.
Those incentives will continue, brokers said, until the Manhattan office vacancy rate reaches “equilibrium”— about 7 to 8 percent. Right now, the vacancy rate is around 9 percent, much higher than the 6 to 7 percent before the recession.
While New York’s commercial real estate market in the past might have lagged the overall economy by months, brokers said, the market now tends to react much more immediately, slowing or growing in a globalized environment. A debt crisis in Greece or a political debate in Florida can rattle an already jittery set of landlords and tenants dealing in the nation’s most expensive commercial real estate.
One potential stumbling block for New York is the possibility that financial services firms, now undergoing a rash of layoffs, will spill more sublease space onto the market. That could drive rents lower and incentives higher, as landlords of directly available space compete with the cheaper sublease space that is often already built out.
“I’m going to stick my neck out and say that I believe the current market conditions will persist for at least six months, and maybe as long as a year,” Mr. Cohen of Colliers International said. “But, as sure as the sun will rise, we will see tenant incentives return to shrinking — as I would have thought they’d be doing already.”

dimecres, 16 de novembre del 2011

REC.04 EXPERIMENTAL STORES: Referent de moda, disseny i creativitat.


El barri del Rec es torna a transformar per convertir-se durant tres dies en un referent de moda, disseny i creativitat.

Antigues adoberies modernistes seran l’escenari on 25 dissenyadors i marques com Sita Murt, Custo Barcelona, Josep Abril, Míriam Ponsa, Marithé François Girbaud, TCN, Diesel, Desigual, Ash, Pepe Jeans, Textura, Gemma o El Naturalista faran les seves vendes a preus radicals, els seus estocs amb descompte del 60%, 70% i 80%

L’èxit de les quatre edicions precedents avala aquesta nova aposta per transformar un barri històric en el centre de la moda i el disseny durant només tres dies. 25.000 persones van gaudir el passat mes de juny d’espais originals transformats per creatius i dissenyadors en pop up stores.

El món del retail es reinventa en aquesta nova edició del REC on la moda més efímera, i la tradició històrica d’una ciutat textil conviuran gràcies a la idea innovadora que proposa  REC.04.

dimarts, 15 de novembre del 2011

Wal-Mart’s Profit Slips

Wal-Mart said Tuesday that its third-quarter profit took a hit as the retailer kept prices low to attract shoppers back to its stores.

The strategy did enable Wal-Mart to break a run of nine consecutive quarters where sales at stores open at least a year in the United States had declined. Wal-Mart said its domestic same-store sales increased by 1.3 percent, above its prior projections. That compared to a 1.3 percent decline in the same quarter a year ago.

However, profit fell 2.9 percent from a year ago to $3.3 billion, making earnings per share come in at $0.96, two cents below analyst expectations.

Excluding the effects of inflation, Wal-Mart’s domestic same-store sales would have increased by 0.6 percent in the quarter, said Jeff Davis, senior vice president and treasurer, in a call with reporters.

Executives said that while visits to Wal-Mart’s stores in the United States fell from the same quarter a year ago, people were spending more per visit. Net sales for the country increased 2.7 percent to $63.8 billion.

The improving sales do not reflect a rebounding American consumer, though. Executives said the low- and middle-income shoppers Wal-Mart goes after are still under heavy budget pressure. They said Wal-Mart was bringing in a wide assortment of merchandise and keeping prices down to try to get them to spend.

“Our core customer was still impacted by high unemployment and continued uncertainty over the economy, leading to declining consumer confidence,” said William S. Simon, president and chief executive of Wal-Mart United States, in a recorded message, and that helped define Wal-Mart’s tactics.

“Cost increases in numerous categories were not passed on to our customers in the form of increased prices,” he said. “Our customers are still feeling pressured to reduce expenses wherever they can.”

A few indications of that pressure: Mr. Simon noted that layaway, which Wal-Mart began offering in October for certain holiday items, had been more popular than the retailer expected.

“Customer feedback on the return of layaway has been overwhelmingly positive and layaway transaction volume continues to exceed plan,” he said. “It’s a great way to help families on a budget shop for Christmas.”

Also, the retailer has seen some shoppers simply stop buying in categories that had gotten too expensive, such as produce, dairy and meat.

Mr. Simon said that inflation in those categories had risen about 4 percent during the quarter, though Wal-Mart had not passed on the full amount to its shoppers.

“In areas of higher price inflation, if a customer does not have a trade-down opportunity, they might just trade out,” Mr. Davis said.

Mr. Davis said Wal-Mart continued to see shoppers spending as soon as they received their paychecks, and to decrease spending as they got farther away from the paycheck dates. That suggests the shoppers do not have a lot of savings to help them out.

“Going forward we really would not expect anything different,” Mr. Davis said.

Michael T. Duke, the chief executive of Wal-Mart, said in prepared remarks that “customers remain concerned about jobs, and only one in 10 Wal-Mart moms that we surveyed view the state of the U.S. economy as good. They want to save money. They’re juggling credit cards, using coupons, and skipping restaurants and vacations. There is a real sense that the economic strain is taking its toll.”

dilluns, 14 de novembre del 2011

Retail Revitalization

Use these tips to increase the value of shopping center investments.
by Jim Conway

Increasing a retail property’s value is what investing is all about. And, today’s savvy investors aren’t waiting for inflation to push up the value of their properties –- they are seeking creative ways to improve their assets’ financial health. From cost-effective upgrades to reducing common expenses, these tried-and-true tips can help to improve a retail property’s value in any market. 
Upgrade ZoningInvestors can utilize market lulls to investigate rezoning options. For instance, I applied for and received rezoning approval for land my company owns in suburban Atlanta without having a potential user in-hand, a process that took about nine months. The property taxes won’t increase because they are based on the land’s usage, not the zoning. As a result, I now have a piece of land available for a potential developer that otherwise would have been held up in the rezoning process.
Maximize and Maintain. Take advantage of all available signage and consider implementing other head-turners such as murals to draw attention to the property. In addition, ensure the property is meticulously maintained. For recurring maintenance items, keep an annual calendar and follow up regularly. Keep in mind the basics, such as making sure your property has the market’s nicest and neatest landscaping. These small details are very important to tenants.
Tackle Tenant Needs. Take a proactive approach by meeting with tenants, listening to their concerns, and providing reasonable improvements to increase their satisfaction with the property. Requests may be as simple as increasing the size of the Dumpster or paving space for another few parking spots. Retaining an existing tenant is almost always more productive than getting a new one.
Seek High-Quality Tenants. Consider this example: If a property has a well-respected bank tenant and a nearby property has a local restaurant with identical rents and terms, more than likely the bank tenant-occupied property will be given a higher market value. Why? The bank is perceived to be a higher-quality tenant with lower perceived risk. Property renovation -- even at a substantial cost -- almost always becomes cost-effective because it allows the property to obtain higher-quality tenants.
Evaluate Rental Agreements. If tenants are successfully increasing sales, consider installing a percentage of sales rent clause that kicks in above a specified sales level. Three percent of additional sales is typical. Ask for periodic sales reports to gauge the tenant’s financial health. If a tenant vacates, past sales reports can be very useful when working to obtain a replacement.
In multitenant retail buildings with chronic vacancy, take a closer look at tenant improvement allowances and rent concessions. As much as 50 percent of the expected rents received would be reasonable for TIs and RCs on a short-term lease to land a good-quality tenant.
Plan to Expand. Single-tenant buildings with unused land on either side may be ideal for an adjacent build-to-suit tenant. Of course, lease terms and competition clauses for both tenants must be considered. Yet with proper zoning, land, and paved parking in place, costs to add new space will be much less than all-new construction. Price the rent for the new space to more than cover the cost of the addition, thereby increasing the value of the original investment. In most cases the additional foot traffic will benefit the original tenant and result increased sales.
Consider Cell Towers and BillboardsIf your property meets a cell tower’s needs and the tower doesn’t cause a problem for existing tenants, tower operators can provide steady rental income of $800 or more a month. Though permitting for billboards usually isn’t easy, these additions typically pay the land or property owner about 20 percent of expected lease income through a land lease after installing the billboard. Investors can opt to own and rent billboards as well. A billboard costing $75,000 to build can command $1,500 per month or more on each side in high-traffic locations.
Appeal Taxes and Refinance. With property values declining in nearly all parts of the country during the last three years, tax valuations should have decreased as well. If a property’s taxes haven’t gone down, consider appealing them. Appeals are usually scheduled for the early spring and may result in multiyear reductions. For example, tax valuation reductions in Georgia resulting from an appeal are locked in for three years. If a property is performing well, owners can also explore refinancing. The economic downturn has resulted in a decline in loan demand for most lenders. Some are actively looking to take borrowers away from competitors, so it may be cost-effective to shop around for the best deal.

Jim Conway of Jim Conway LLC in Roswell, Ga., has more than 30 years of commercial investment real estate experience.

Local Comercial Mallorca